Sunday, November 2, 2008

Birthday wishes and nature's gift

Happy Birthday Lesley! This is my way of sending you love from s.i! It is wonderful to remember all of our fun hikes out here and now to share the place with Luke! I can't think of a better day to put on some glorious pictures of our walk at Kinkaid and the stunning leaves this year.

This weekend the weather was just the 70's and sunny. The trees this year are more beautiful than any year that I can remember. Every time I go for a drive I am stunned by the beauty (that phrase is a memory of wonderful Aunt Anne)
I love to be outdoors, mom! Actually, he is probably saying that to Star - his favorite 'person'
My world walking ahead of me - those four are my blessings.
What a rainbow!

Luna and Star are looking at the camera to say hi to their Colorado buddies...they miss you girls on hikes.
Kinkaid trips have been a real gift to me this year. Luke loves walks, but I feel like I am cheating the dogs if I take him out alone so we are VERY lucky to have a spot we can all enjoy! Steve and I met a nice woman from Germany out there yesterday with her 3 golden retrievers and she was impressed that we brought Luke out with us. She said she was happy to see a couple outdoors with their child - it is the norm in Germany, but she is surprised at how parks and playgrounds sit empty most times here in the US. We appreciated that compliment, just doing our part to teach ACTIVITY and the fact that getting outdoors is a GOOD thing!

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