Luke started out with his head underneath the dangling butterflies. However, my little mover and shaker obviously was looking for a different view as he ended up how you see him below. I laid him down to play for a few minutes (and stayed in the living room with him) and watched him squirm all over the place. He got a little fussy after a while so I went to talk with him and noticed that his eyes were HEAVY. I couldn't even get the sentence out "you look sleepy" before he was out. These activity mats are really something...notice the bib that I took off of him but he just didn't want to let go of - Steve came home for lunch to this scene and I am not sure what he thought at first. I was in the kitchen and came out to see him looking at Luke knocked out on the floor with a look of "hmmmmm, what have we here?" on his face. funny

Grandpa Nick went for a beautiful ride with us this morning. We went down 127 through Alto Pass and found this wonderful pond that is state property, but not used very often. We were the only ones out there and the dogs had a total blast chasing sticks into the water and running around the woods. 

Luke fell asleep before we got there, but we are sure to return. It was a stunning spot - peaceful, lovely and happy. Thanks Grandpa! His uncle and dad fished there a lot when he was a kid so it has some history for Luke to learn about one of these days, too.
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