Can you find the baby among the laundry?
Okay - I am pretty good at getting laundry done. By done I mean washed and dried. I tend to ignore the clothing once it is ready to be folded and put away. I have always done this, and it was much easier to get away with when I was single. I could just kind of live out of a basket and then start over. Well, today I set up a laundry folding station outside and described to Luke each item of clothing as I folded it. His first words may end up being "Daddy's boxers".

He really had fun outside with me, though. I rigged his colored links up to a chair that was blocking the sun and he enjoyed trying to eat those while evaluating the things being placed in piles around him. He managed to grab a couple of his more colorful onesies and try them out for a snack, but quickly realized they aren't nearly as tasty as the regular cloth diaper that he still prefers.

This is the kind of day I will remember with a smile. Making fun out of something lame like laundry. I have a hard time being IN the house all day so I am really thankful to Luke that he is a fan of the outdoors.
BTW - if Luke looks really rested to you, it may be because he slept from 8:45 - 5:30 last night! He woke up smiling and so did I!!
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