...April is going to be a wonderful month! -knock on wood- That is not an April Fool's, either. My April Fool's joke would be saying that Luke has mastered sleeping through the night, but even I am sick of hearing myself talk about his sleeping habits so I will just continue on to what a wonderful start we have had to my favorite month (#4!). I have said for a while now that April is great because all of the good stuff is coming, flowers galore, summer, warmth, not wearing layers, family time, lake time, fun time, did I mention warmth?
Today has been great - ridiculously nice out, met a friend for a walk this morning and we took another this afternoon with the dogs, talked to some fun moms at the grocery store (hey, staying home with a baby will drive a person to talk to anyone that will talk back, not that I need that much encouragement) On our second walk, I was going by a neighbor's house as they got home with their 5 day old little girl. Dad is a teacher with us at the HS, and it was really exciting to be one of the first to meet little Hannah. I tied the dogs to Luke's stroller (totally safe and smart, I know) and got to peek at her as she got home from a doc. appt. So precious and so little. She is 3 pounds bigger than Luke was and still seemed so tiny! The dogs sat and waited next to Luke until I returned, too. They are smart and good girls :)
There are a couple pictures of Luke making a break for it while I tried to put groceries away. I like to leave the back door open when it is nice out and realized this morning that I will have to keep a much closer eye on who is coming and going this spring.
Luke almost fell asleep trying to eat lunch. His eyes were falling shut as he munched on ravioli - it was a site. I cleaned him up and got him out of his seat in time for him to fall asleep on my shoulder while walking back to his room. He has napped like a champ and when he gets up we are going to finish lunch (!) and head to the boys tennis match.
Steve did a great job this weekend of babyproofing a couple of important spots - like the fireplace :) and a few cabinets. Luke is motoring around everywhere so we are trying to balance between being protective and letting him figure stuff out on his own.
I am also very proud of my sunflower starts. Last year the birds ate all of the seeds I put out, so I tried my luck starting some this year and it has been really awesome to watch them sprout in days-yippee-I hope lots of them make in the yard - they will be a great treat later this summer.
Life is good, and I am thankful...happy, happy April.
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