child has played in our that so wrong? He will make a beeline to the toilet any chance he gets and now has started to take toys with him that he can watch swim for a while and then try to rescue. Good, clean fun - right? I have taken to cleaning the bowl 1-2 times a day just in case he makes it in there like he did in these photos...
I have also been letting him air out for a while in the morning. I know I would want to after wearing that heavy diaper for a whole night, so he just cruises around with his cute little booty showing. Today he peed in our bedroom - no biggie - and dropped a bomb in the living room - no biggie, but a little grosser. I should have trusted my gut and picked him up when I saw his face go into 'poop mode' but whatever, it saved a diaper, right?
The week has gone by quickly. It must be the warm weather. It is so easy to go out and play, and it is fun to be out and busy when it is nice out which makes the time zoom by. Luke had a fun time with Gma Susan and Gpa Paul on Thursday. It is always a pleasure to pick him up and see that happy face!
Friday we went to our first Parent Connection get together. I just learned about this group. It meets at a local school on Friday mornings and Wednesday afternoons and is designed for moms and their kids (0-3) to get together to play and visit for a couple of hours. It was great! Luke had an amazing time. He started out just sitting and watching what was going on as is his style, but in no time, he was climbing up anything or anyone he could so that he could get closer to the toy/kid/snack/etc...that had caught his attention. The funniest part was watching him try to climb on older (3 yrs) boys and having them try to pry him off of them. They were really patient, but just not quite interested in a baby crawling on them :) I also enjoyed talking to the coordinator, the program is run from a grant that she has rec'd, and the other moms. They were really friendly and welcoming and I think that we will have some fun Friday mornings to come!
I spent the day in Paducah playing a couple of matches and came home to a baby filling up his crib. He just seems bigger every minute to me! He had a great day with dad - taking the dogs on a hike and playing together lots. We had dinner at Gma Jackie's, visited our garden and had a quick bath. He is loving baths these days b/c they cool him off before bed and he really likes water. We are going to be in Gma's pool a lot this summer!
His appetite is back in full force. He is eating a lot and down to pretty much just a bedtime bottle - yeah! Loving oranges, string cheese, toast and chicken these days.
Some new Luke things:
He will give you 'five'
He has waved good bye- not really a habit yet, but getting better
He has been saying mama lots more. It is pretty much the sweetest thing I could hear and I love it xoxo
He loves his stuffed animals and the dogs and his family - when I say "lovey" he will bend his head down to whatever he is holding or whoever is holding him and love on them like a hug. Precious and sweet. It is a really really really neat way to start a day!
Splash, splash, splash in the tub. He LOVES to splash and make as much water as possible end up on me, daddy or the floor. It is pretty funny, he has a great time and it burns up a lot of energy!
He started a new dance today when we were sharing an orange on the deck. I had taken his diaper off so that he could hang out/air out for a while and he would take a bite of orange and then bounce up and down and smile and nod his head. It was making me laugh so hard. I got a little bit of it on video but as soon as Steve was trying to record it he quit!
First thing this morning. Plopped him in bed with dad so that I could get him some milk. sleepy and cute. Lesley sent me this sleeper right after I had him and it seemed so big! I love that he is wearing shorts and t-shirts now, by the way, fun to be looking at some different outfits. Many thanks again, Aunt Laurie, he has worn several of his b-day outfits from you and they are all great!
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