I changed his diaper in the back of the CRV, and we cruised home from the mall in time to pick Steve up and meet Connie and Andy with their great girls, Molly and Ruthie. It was a wonderful visit. The girls were really good with Luke, and he was intrigued with them. Molly has called dibs on being our #1 babysitter, and I think we are on the lucky end of that deal :)
Trying to hold Ruthie's hand!
Being held by Molly while Ruthie entertains with Peek-a-boo :)
"Time to go" face...
Tuesday was okay. I actually went back to the mall for some exercise for me and stimulation for Luke - it was cold AGAIN - and he had the time of his life walking around and exploring the big multilevel gumball display. He loved opening and closing the chamber door where the gumballs come out.
He had some good quality Gma Susan and Gpa Paul time last night b/c I had tennis and Steve had to work the regional b-ball game. They reported to me that he has now learned to put one of his piggy bank coins into the jack in the box and has a great time releasing the latch to see where the coin is going to fly out - I need to photograph that piggy bank so that it is officially documented as pretty much the best baby toy ever...talk about multi-purpose. Gpa Paul has predicted that Luke will be walking by his birthday (18 days away) and talking by 14 months. I think he is a pretty wise Grandpa.
Today, Spring was trying to show up. The sun was out, there was NOT a cold wind and I didn't need to wear a coat! Yippee...ran some errands, practiced walking all around the furniture (Luke did that) He didn't really nap. He usually naps a couple of hours and today he was up after about 45 min. I didn't know what was going on...I gave him a bottle and took a shower, wondering (hoping) he would go back to sleep for a while. No way - he was ready to tackle the afternoon so we did. Lunch, groceries and then a trip to Kinkaid. Yippee!
Love this shot of the dogs. They are so pretty and such good girls.
I am standing here, mom. Take the picture already!
Just a perfect shot of our boy and his buddy, Star!
He is turning to watch Star swim and splash. He was totally interested in how she got in the water.
I love the focused look on his face. There might be a leaf blowing in the direction he is looking. He was transfixed by big leaves blowing in the breeze today.
I actually made dinner tonight and here are some shots of my little helper. When I was busiest, Steve did take him and give him a bath so that was a big help in my not overcooking anything.
Back to my helper. He tore the dishwasher drawer out, later climbed up and walked around the cabinets while helping me put dishes away and lastly as I was putting silverware away he relaxed on my leg, and emptied one drawer while I tried to get utensils in another. Good fun, right?!
Here is my 'too much information' story of the day: Luke has had a day of poopy diapers. By the 5th full diaper, I was wondering if he was okay. He is, but I have dealt with a lot of stinky poop today. The worst part of it was after our walk, I was changing him in the car and he was REALLY mad when I was cleaning him up. I realized the wipes that I bought to keep in the car have alcohol in them so I was killing his poor bum. I drove home repeatedly telling him I was sorry for the whole booty incident...poor guy. Just to document, he wasn't mad for long. I got the clean diaper on him, showed him the dogs in the back of the car, let him pet Luna's nose and he was smiling by then. What a great kid! He babbled most of the way home, and I could listen to him babble 24/7.
Gma Jackie covered for me at bedtime tonight (Steve was working another game) so that I could go to my yoga class. She said Luke was really tired and pretty much just fell asleep on her while finishing his bottle. I love when gma's give reports like that. They LOVE their Luke time and it is so fun to hear them tell what they did and see how much they enjoyed spening time with him.
Yoga was the best medicine for me tonight. My teacher got the room up to 90 degrees (otherwise known as heaven) and it was the best class I have been to so far. She gives us cold lavendar scented towels as we relax at the end. They are a total treat. I am going to remember them this summer and maybe stew some of my own to give Luke a cool rubdown before he falls asleep.
Steve just pulled in, I am T-I-R-E-D so I am going to B-E-D. Why am I spelling things? Oh yeah, I am T-I-R-E-D.
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