This one year old is walking around whatever he can hold on to, he can click his tongue on the roof of his mouth, he really likes to talk about his dada and he is getting the whole drinking out of a straw thing down. We are down to about 2-3 bottles every 24 hours, trying to get away from those more each day. His daddy taught himto climb the deck stairs tonight, too. There is a new skill aquired everyday!
Delicious treats from Sophrona Bakery. I have eaten way too many leftovers today, and enjoyed every bite!
Can a little boy and his daddy get any cuter? Just relaxing pre-party on the deck, checking out the sticks, etc...
This is the 'floating island' punch that my mom and Steve made fun of me for making for the party. Hey, people seemed to like it. Thanks, Paul, for complimenting the punch, that made my day!
My mom had balloons and streamers up for EVERY birthday that I can remember, and I mean into my 30's! So, I had to continue the tradition. Luke wasn't sure about walking under the streamers but the balloons were a big hit. He wanted to bite them - thankfully none of them blew up while he was chomping down.
Here we go...Luke's first cake/sweet/crazy sugar experience...
Proud parents for sure!
Luke was enthralled with Aunt Rebekah :) He loved her blond hair and all of her accessories. He munched on her necklace for a while and just enjoyed soaking her up!
With Aunt Rebekah and Uncle Greg. It was really great to see them both and Uncle Greg has an amazing way with little kids. Luke couldn't get enough of him - it was really fun to see them imteract!
Helping mommy clean up the kitchen while he played with a new toy. Thanks to everyone for such wonderful first year gifts. He got lots of great and educational things that he is already enjoying lots.
After his party, we took a second walk for the day and enjoyed the lovely evening and just kind of relaxed. Luke was excited to check out some new toys for a while but he went to bed easily and didn't get up until 1:45 :)
Today was another gorgeous day and we ran lots of errands, ate lunch outside at Panera (Steve even met us!), played at the park, visited with a friend that moved away last year (Amber - it was great to catch up and see that you are doing so well up north!) and this evening we helped Gpa Nick & Gma Jackie plant our shared garden. We had three generations planting onions, greens, radiches and lettuce at the community garden. It is a great project and really special to have Luke and my dad working on together.
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