Here are my happy guys. Luke really really adores his dad. When he gets home from work, they are both excited to see each other, and I enjoy seeing them catch up with one another after a day apart.
This weekend we have been celebrating the fact that Steve got the principal job!
The high school is definitely in good hands. He called me Friday morning to tell me that he was heading to admin to go over the contract and that he thought there would be a faculty meeting before everyone left for break.
Luke and I got ready and headed up there. We are so fortunate to work there and have such wonderful friends. I was super excited to see Steve and talk to him but we didn't get to say hey until about 40 minutes after I got there b/c Luke had lots of greetings to give :) It was a whirlwind of a morning, though. There was a faculty meeting, Luke and I did attend and Steve gave a wonderful, emotional and sincere speech. People left for break with positive energy for the coming year(s)!
Luke was awesome throughout the meeting, by the way, just happy to sit with his ABC book and listen to the excitement around him. Amy also helped out by lending her cell phone to him which he LOVED. Amy is definitely one of his new favorite people...they were smiling back and forth all morning, and Luke loved every second of her attention!
He is looking at a picture of himself here on Gma Jackies phone...
Luke is pulling up more and getting stronger everyday. He will lunge up from my lap and hold on to a chair/back of the couch etc...He is still just a wild man in his walker. One of my favorite parts of the day is when he has finished a bottle and is just using me as a jungle gym, climbing all over and rolling around just figuring out what he can do!
First time bath in the about those legs splayed for support. Too funny. The red stuff on his face is pizza sauce from some Pag's pizza crust that he enjoyed gnawing on during dinner.
I am writing this at 5am after giving him his early am bottle. My brain was going going going so I thought I would at least use it instead of trying to go back to sleep.
We had an awesome time with Franciene and Andy last night. We went to Tom's for a Christmas dinner and everything was wonderful. It was extra special to celebrate Steve's new position with them, and just tons of fun to catch up and LAUGH so much.
Luke was enthralled with Andy and didn't know what to do with all of the excitement when they got to our house. Gma Jackie and Gpa Nick were here to babysit, too, so he had a lot going on around him. I noticed the first sign of shyness that I have ever seen from him, which was kind of cute and funny at the same time. He is not a cuddler, but he was burying his head in my neck and acting a little unsure of everything for a while.
Luke's latest:
-top front tooth popping through (#5)
-'talking' and laughing lots
-self-feeding (cheerios, crackers)
-pretty regular sleep - 9-ish to 4-ish, bottle, back down until about 8
-really good with his hands/feet - seems to be a soccer player in the making
Back to bed for me - Christmas is near, Luke is getting his 2 front teeth which is timely and he has practiced opening presents with Gma Susan so I think we are all set :)
1 comment:
Congrats to Steve! What great news for you guys. :)
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