We start the day with a clean slate, open the drapes to say 'hello day' and eat some banana and other breakfast goodies plus a Flinstones vitamin that he savors. I like to have a cup of green tea and read the paper while we check out the super problem on "Super Why".
Luke often has a treat war with the dogs b/c he likes to give them treats but sometimes has a face off for a bit before he hands it over :) We always enjoy seeing daddy dressed up on his way to work before toys get out, snacks are had, climbing happens, markers come out, diapers are changed, giggles are heard, etc...Yesterday he even climbed out the doggy door in a second to check out the new bird feeders and enjoy his independence.
We took daddy some lunch and then Luke climbed into the car like he was ready to stra on his seatbelt and ride shotgun. We also enjoyed an Ansel Adams photography exhibit at SIU's museum (and the other displays) and a quick visit to Gma Jackie's office before lunch from the co-op and some stories and milk before nap time.
Steve needed to get his new suit so Luke spent some time in the evening with Gma Susan and Gpa Paul while we headed to Dillard's and dinner (after Steve avoiding a double ticket) and headed home with a sleepy head. I would live this day over and over...
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