On our way to meet another wiggler and her parents for breakfast...I loved these overalls from Gma Susan!
Putting on a performance face!
"Riding" the train.
Hanging out with Teacher Alyce :)
Getting some grandparent love post-show.
I laid him down about 10 minutes ago as he was falling asleep on my shoulder and now he is YELLING aaaaaah as loud as he can and fighting the nap. We have had a fun morning playing with a couple of new items. One is a wooden alphabet puzzle that I got for a quarter this summer at a yard sale. He was picking out letters and I was telling him what they are and where they go. When he picked the 'M' I told him that it stood for our last name and he went to the door with it and matched it to the 'M' that we have hanging there. I LOVE seeing him make those connections!
The other toy is Luke's great grandma Jones' mixer. I am determined to make some bread this week and got some help in the appliance department from Gma Susan. Yeah! With all of the wonderful treats that mixer has helped make, I am feeling more and more confident about getting some simple whole wheat to turn out :) Both grandmas donated a couple of cookbooks to the cause, too, so I am hoping this turns into a successful venture and I can have them over to enjoy warm piece of bread with butter one of these days. YUM!
My first loaf of made from scratch whole wheat bread was a major success. It came out pretty, tasty and smelling so nice. I felt like the best wife and mom when Steve asked for another slice and Luke walked back to the spot where I sliced it three times asking for more. Yippee!
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