Hunting season started Nov. 18th and my uncle Mike (dad's brother) and cousins Michael and Nicholas came down to (not) kill a deer and hang out by the campfire. Luke had a little cold and we were hanging out around the house when they came, but he perked up for Uncle Mike's truck!
We had a good time in Kansas City. Gma Susan and Gpa Paul were there, too, so Steve & I were able to go to dinner at our favorite, Houston's, and we all went to see the area, Zona Rosa, lit up for the holidays. Glenn also got us tickets for the Chiefs v. Steelers game which was fun (except for the OT loss) The last picture shows the topic of conversation on our way home to Glenn's after the game...the noise at the game. That humongous speaker had Gpa Paul and Uncle Glenn all worked up...
Monday morning we headed back home for a couple of days. In those couple of days, we tried to get Luke (and ourselves!) rested up for our Thanksgiving trip to Memphis, and we also were fortunate to have the dogs get skunked in the backyard at 10:00 pm...Their couch had to go in the trash. Literally, I watched it get crunched in the trash truck, and I managed to get them a new cozy corner put together with new beds, etc...before we left. Star had 2 baths in my de-skunk recipe and she still smells once in a while. Here they are figuring out their new spots...
We watched the duck parade at the Peabody and relaxed in their lobby for a bit on Thanksgiving morning. There were a ton of people to see the ducks and it is a pretty funny sight. Luke liked the whipped cream from my coffee, and I liked getting some fun family photos. The Peabody was decorated really beautifully for the holidays. Most of the day we just relaxed, watched football, snacked and enjoyed being together. It was really nice to have my folks along. Luke loved going next door to their room, riding in the elevator and on the escalator (I taught him to point up and down from the many rides) and using the room key card. He will get my credit card out of my wallet now and take it to the front door like it is going to open it...too smart and too cute! He also LOVED the mini fridge. It was easy for him to open and he would rearrange items over and over. We wondered why things weren't very cold - ha - he had the door open all of the time!
The carraige drivers all have dogs which is a Memphis tradition. Our dog was named Hazel, and she obviously knew that we were dog people. I loved our purple lights and being so cozy on the ride.
We are happy to be home. It is cold and we have just been taking it easy. Luke has been taking extra long naps this week to catch up from all of the excitement and maybe to store some energy for the coming excitement of Christmas. He is wonderful, getting bigger, smarter and funnier each day!
As for today, Luke and Steve are napping, so are Luna and Star and I am going to make some hot chocolate and read until they get up. I have homemade chicken noodle soup ready for dinner, and I am very thankful that I was able to have a LONG breakfast with my dear friend Angie today and have a LONG conversation with my 'angel on eath' aunt Ellen today. I feel fortunate to have such lovely and loving people in my life.
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