Luke is napping, Steve is eating, I am lounging with magazines and WAY too much Halloween candy and BIG SURPRISE it is cloudy outside. The sun made a quick appearance today so we went for a walk but it was still really chilly and it went away pretty quickly. Oh well. We have a warm house and lots of fun to be had indoors. I say that the house has been LUKEIFIED b/c it looks like a tornado came through every room. I have begun to give up on cleaning up everything when he takes a nap b/c it takes away precious free time and it just ends up looking the same way before he goes to bed. Some of Luke's favorite things right now are: matchbox cars his firetrucks his bulldozer (sensing a theme, eh?) climbing on top of our new storage unit in front of the window (eek!) books, books, and more books - he really likes books about trucks and firetrucks being outside (how do explain yucky weather to a toddler, they really don't care!)Yesterday we spent the cold, overcast morning in the house as long as I could stand it and then we loaded up for a hike. We hit a milestone, walking a trail (about a mile long) without a stroller! Woo Hoo! I carried him once in a while but his strong little legs got him around about 2/3 of it...It was a super treat for all of us (me and the dogs) Here is Luke on the trail.

POPSICLES -About a month or so ago, right before bed, Luke bumped his head when he was playing with me in his room. I thought giving him half a popsicle would be a good way to distract him enough for me to ice his head. It definitely was, and now I am pretty certain he falls so that he can run to the freezer and try to get a treat. I buy the all fruit (no high fructose corn syrup - yuck) kind so it isn't a TERRIBLE habit and it is really really really really cute to see him just smile and show his excitement when you get one out of the freezer. Another favorite is the picture of a car bed in a catalog I got this week. I showed him something else in the catalog thinking he might like it for Christmas, but he just flipped through the pages, saw this car bed and went crazy oohing and aahing. He will now independently flip through the catalog and stop on the page with the bed to admire it. I have a feeling this bed might show up for a certain someone's birthday :)

Okay, I am going back to my magazine...
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