I usually have lots of plans each morning for Luke and I to keep busy. We have a standing playdate on Monday, music class Tuesday, Story time Wednesday, Gma day most Thursdays and Friday is a free day (which is really nice by the time Friday rolls around. We are generally rushing a bit in the morning to get where we are going and we add visits to the park/grocery store/other errands and we generally get home in time to have lunch and read before naptime (which has been pushed back to 2:00 or 2:30 now...this kid likes to DO)
I am detailing our time because this week has been a little different. Monday was great b/c we still met our buddies at the park and then had a nice visit with gma Susan and gpa Paul. Tuesday, though, it was RAINY, as in DOWNPOUR RAINY, so we just didn't make it out to music class or the music performance at SIU. I tried to make that latter, but by the time we parked, it was pouring again and I just didn't have it in me to walk 10 min in the rain for a 30 min music show...next month, hopefully we will make it. So, as I am deciding that Luke and I will have plenty of days that we have to be somewhere on a rainy day, we did at least listen to music and dance around a bit :)
Okay, I am off topic again. Instead of the original plan, we ended up at the mall playing on the 'rides' for over an hour and then following a REAL LIVE FIRE TRUCK all the way back to its station. Yeah, it was a great lesson about the joys of NOT PLANNING everything.
Good things can just pop up in front of you - like a REAL LIVE FIRE TRUCK! As we park at the station, I ask the driver if I can let my son look around and he said sure! He even opened the door and said he could GET IN! AAAAAhhhhh!! We love firefighters! So, then a fireman that we actually knew came out and toured us around, letting Luke get in the trucks, examine the buttons, measure the tires, etc...he even came home with his own fire captain hat and some stickers to put on his 'love board'. It was such a cool (unplanned) adventure!
I am writing this on a Wednesday. A great Wednesday that has the sun shining on us. We have been to music class, story time (where Gma Jackie surprised us and showed up!), played in the yard, ate lunch, walked the dogs and PLAYED like crazy. I walked him back to his room at 2:15 and when we got near his crib he just put his head on my shoulder and pointed to George. What a SPECTACULAR kid.
I titled this post 'happy' because that is what Luke is, and that is how he makes us feel. Thanks, Luke, for sharing your joy with the rest of us :)
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