Luke and I hosted a 'just because brunch'! And it was great! And the food was delicious! And the ELEVEN kids aged three and under were fantastic! And I was reminded of how many amazing women/moms I am lucky to count as friends!

We enjoyed an egg&spinach casserole, lots of fruit, banana muffins, cheese and crackers, cake balls & mimosas!

Nine wonderful ladies visited with their adorable and really well-behaving little ones. We didn't have any turf wars, tears or injuries - yeah!

Anne with her 2 year old Delia, baby Evelyn slept through the party.

Neighbor Ellen with Kathryn and baby Emily (11 days old here!)

Kyle with 13 month old Reese.

Leah and Luke's good buddy, Jonah.

Luke, Charley & Kathryn enjoying some play while the sunshine warms them up. I love this picture!

Jonah taking a ride.

Another angle of Luke and a couple of his girl friends.

My fabulous mums and my fabulous babe. He was such a great host - shared toys, was super relaxed and just had a good time with all of the kids. He is going to love going to school next summer.

Skye (r) and Delia playing together (or at least checking each other out!) This table was a big hit for eating, playing with play-doh and watching the excitement all around.

Part of the party moved to the ball pit pretty quickly.

Jonah keeping an eye on me...

Reese wondering how she is supposed to get out of this crazy thing!


Luke showing his guests how the horse works!

The kids were super excited to see the dogs toward the end of the visit. I kept them in out neighbor's yard for everyone's sake (even theirs!) but they were still a big hit.

Luke hanging out with his pal, Amy, or actually Amy's belly. She is due with a little boy in 9 days! And seriously the most adorable pregnant woman I have ever seen.

All the guests brought a roll of paper towels and a package of diapers. The paper towels are going to the animal shelter and the diapers to the crisis pregnancy center. Good times & good deeds!

Luke wanted his bear to play, too. He looked worn out by the time everyone left. I got this bear when I was a freshman in hs, so he has enjoyed a long life. I am sure he is having more fun with the Lukestar than he ever did with me!

Luke was a little worn out, too ;)
Such a wonderful day spent with great people (big and small)! I smile just looking back at the pictures. There is a lot of good in the world and these ladies are all a good reminder of that...
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