I had to do emergency surgery with a needle and thread on Luke's love, George, today. He was coming apart at the seams under his left arm. In order to avoid loss of stuffing or Luke ingesting any of that wonderful fuzzy stuff, I fell back on my amazing seamstress skills. We will be lucky if the stitches hold for a week, but I will just keep an eye on him...as you can see he survived the procedure and kept a pretty happy face the whole time.
It felt like spring this morning so Luke and I took the dogs on a walk at a park that I have never been to. It is in the middle of town and looks like it will make a fun picnic/exploration spot in the spring/summer as long as the ticks aren't too bad. We also ran to the coop for more teething tabs. He is keeping a smile on his face while the next couple of (bottom, I think?) teeth work their way through, but we keep these tabs handy and he likes taking them.
I have a couple more home improvement projects floating around my head so we spent some time at Lowe's this afternoon looking for ideas and options. Luke, as you can see, was in a total trance as we strolled through the lighting and ceiling fan section. He wasn't crazy about being in the cart, so I would hold him for a while and then he would want down or back in the cart. I think he just wanted to run around on his own!

Had THE BEST time with him tonight while he took his bath. He is really excited to stand up and practice his shaky walking in the tub. Make sense, right? Water and slippery surfaces = great practice arena for learning to walk. I help him do it anyway, and he realized he could grab the shower curtain and pull it over to cover my face so we played a major game of 'where's mommy' and when I would appear around the curtain he would just giggle like crazy. He stopped playing before I wanted to be done :)
I am 99.9 % sure he said 'bye-bye' while bathing, too. Whatever, I am just going to say 100% sure and give the boy some credit! I was looking for his green cup that we use to pour water over him during the bath and asked him if the cup went 'bye bye' and he looked at me and repeated it! It was really exciting - I can't IMAGINE what it is going to be like when he is talking. I repeated it a bunch and he kind of did again. We will keep practicing ;)
Changing subjects to another example of how Grandma's know best. Here are the Valentine's treats that Luke got from his magnificent and so in love Gmas.
Susan got him the duck (go Gift Garden!) This thing has a button that, when pushed, sets the duck off at an amazing waddle while it plays "Camptown Races" Couldn't be more perfect coming from her and Gpa Paul! It is pretty entertaining, Luke always smiles when he sees it or when he picks it up by the head and it QUACKS loudly. The pic has a bit of Luna's head in the left corner - I am pretty sure she is interested in hunting some duck and bringing it home for dinner.
My mom brought him the 'love monkey', which now lives happily in his crib. He is a new buddy to George and a close second place finisher in the cuddle up and go to sleep lineup. Too cute!
The pic with Luke in it was really hard to get without him looking away or having a cranky face on. It is really difficult to photograph him these days because he WANTS THE CAMERA so he will realize it is out...reach for it...not be able to get it...meltdown for a few seconds...get happy again...REPEAT. Hopefully, it is a routine he outgrows.
Steve is home early from Freshman Orientation so I am signing off...
I would love to get together this spring, the zoo would be fantastic. I hope the weather warms up soon. The bottle issue was pretty easy because he got the stomach flu and he wasnt keeping anything down for about a week. We took advantage of that and went from three to just one at night. That lasted about a week and he wasn't really interested so we just stopped all together. He is on whole milk in his sippy now. About 9-12 oz a day and he gets juice too. Good luck:)
Thanks for the info. I never thought the stomach flu could be a good thing :)
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