Anyway, I had to leave later in the evening for a book club meeting that was quite enjoyable. When I got home the house was quiet, but not totally dark and I heard "MOMMY!" come from Luke's room. I walked back to find the joys of my life laying in a race car bed together in the dark relaxing. As I arrived, Luke let out a small squeal of delight and then...crawled out of bed at lightning (McQueen) speed and ran as fast as I have ever seen him run down the hall to the part of the house with lights still on. It made me stop in the dark, give Steve a kiss and just LAUGH.
I walked out with a smile still on my face to find Luke snuggled as if hiding between a couch cushion and an end table and saying "Luke stay awake" as if it were his personal mantra. We read a favorite George book taking bites of banana as the pages turned and as I felt him relax, I cradled him in my arms and sand "Rock A Bye" over and over. He got heavier and heavier, we stared into each others eyes, I told him I loved him, I gave him kisses and I kept singing softly. It was the loveliest moment of my day. How long will a person trust you enough while you hold them in your arms and tell them to close their eyes to actually close their eyes? I learn something every day when I spend time with our child. One thing is for sure, I love him with every cell and my wish for him is health and happiness.
Here are a couple of my favorite recent pictures. Because what good is a post if there are no pictures of the star :)

Also, the report from Steve tonight was that he and Luke and Luna finished off some ice cream in the fridge while I was away. They ate, they loved on Luna and they smiled I am sure. Luke also leaned over spur of the moment tonight and gave Steve a kiss on the cheek as Steve was reading him books. We are just soaking all of these moments up with big thankful smiles on our faces.
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