For my mom's birthday, Luke and I took her (well we took her car actually, since mine is still in the shop) to St. Louis for an adventure to the zoo at night with the Christmas lights on which was a lovely and chilly time. It was magical to walk through the zoo at night and with so many lights on display. It was also very fitting that they had LIGHT UP PRAIRIE DOGS. Happy birthday, indeed!

The insect house was warn and open so we thawed inside mid-way through the tour and inspected some creepy crawlers while there. I loved that Luke wanted my scarf and he actually wore it :)
Before the zoo, we visited Trader Joe's and the Galleria (thank goodness for the rentable strollers there) and after we had cheeseburgers and shakes. Yum and Fun all in one. We spent the night where Mom got to witness Luke playing football or demanding that I hold the ball for him to kick it until 10pm...who says cool & fresh air helps wear a kid out?
We love you, mums! Thanks for the fun memories and for sharing your weekend time with us!
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