#1 - Doctor Dan, The Bandage Man has been a real favorite of Luke's for the past six months or so. He will read most of the book to us when we turn the pages and it is a cute story of helping others out when they get a 'boo boo'. So...tonight as I gracefully tripped over his new and very pointy spaceship when we were playing, my little toe got a nice little 'boo boo' and after I made Luke and Steve laugh at my screaming and antics to distract myself from the shocking pain, I asked Luke to help me get a band-aid for my toe. He immediately said 'ok' and headed to the bathroom, where he waited at the sink saying 'band-aid' and then helped me peel the wrapping and stuck the bandage right on the 'boo boo'. I called him Doctor Luke, the Bandage Man and he smiled proudly. Luke is so tender and sweet. He is very generous with kisses these days (especially after he throws something at you) and I love seeing this part of his personality shine (even the clever part that throws the car at my head before I get the kiss) Back on track, he stumbled over his stool getting down after brushing his teeth and, though unhurt, he wanted a bandaid so we put one on his sore spot and it should be healed up by 2011.

#2 As I put him down tonight, we were laying together after stories and a lullabye. He had placed my hand under his cheek and was laying quietly when we heard a noise that I knew was Steve dropping his wedding ring on the floor (a favorite habit). It stirred Luke enough to have him move around and say "What is Daddy doing with MY train tracks?" As I laughed quietly over his bedtime possessiveness and awareness he then said "Daddy playing NOW" as if it was a crime against toddlers everywhere.
#3 Bonus story...he likes to take a 'whiz' now. I know it is totally inappropriate and I will probably have to explain it to his teachers, but it makes him laugh and he loves to go potty, excuse me, take a whiz. What are you going to do?
Thank you 2010 for being kind to SELLSHOUSE and those that we love. Cheers to a happy and healthy 2011.
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