Random shot that I like of Luke eating a colorful dinner of macaroni, carrots and baked beans. He had some blueberries for dessert. I love that you can see Star in the dog door thinking of coming in the house. We really didn't have too much planned this week, but we did celebrate another birthday in our house, have some fun visits with friends and wrangle up a bunch of bargains this morning making the yard sale rounds. Luna turned EIGHT on Tuesday so Luke, Grandpa Nick and I took her and Star to the lake for a fun morning romp and then Steve brought home the traditional DQ soft serve as a treat for her special day. We split the ice cream b/w Luna and Star which Luke just didn't like that at all. He and Daddy each took a couple of bites so once he knew what the dogs were eating he was trying to take the bowls away from them - and some say that sugar isn't an addictive drug?! I am a confirmed addict! Here are some pictures of the day.

We also enjoyed visits with Amy and Angie this week and Steve and I got to golf together on a beautiful evening with some school folks which was a real treat. There was a hole at the course we played that is so lovely, I told Steve we could have saved the Jamaica airfare and gotten married on the green! I would go golfing again just to enjoy the beauty of the course! It was a treat, though, to play with Steve and to have all of my dad's tips and golf ideas going through my head as I played - thanks for getting me out to Wildwood all of those times, dad! My mom kept Luke while we went out and when we got home he had been down for about 30 minutes, and my mom was beat. He is a little workout for sitters (and for his parents) now that he is in constant motion. I am going to have to get a short list of CCHS students going so that we don't wear out the grandmas, and so he starts to get comfortable with other caretakers. I am already thinking (panicking) about how daycare will go a year from now! This morning my mom brought me coffee and we headed out (on a COOL 70 degree JULY day) to wander around the yard sales. It is fun to see what people will put out and find a treasure here and there. We ran into some friends, even, and later they scouted a great find for Luke. We got a great baby pool with a slide for $2.50 and I bought a bunch of balls so that he has an indoor ball pit in his playroom now...He has napped through its creation so 1. hopefully he likes it and 2. hopefully I can get a cute picture of him liking it up on this blog. I bought the pool at a church down the street from our house and rolled it home, yeah, I rolled it home...

As we were driving along this morning, I suddenly yelled 'hey, that is my family!' Steve was doing the parade route with Luke in the stroller and the dogs leading the way. So cute :) We also visited a very crowded farmer's market and a few other shops. It was lovely time with my mums and the bonus was coming home with a few goodies. Just for the record, Steve does not understand yard sale - anything I come home with he asks how much we will charge when we sell it next year. Gotta love him and I do! LASTLY, here is some summer beauty. This rose was a gift for Luke on his one month birthday from Gma Susan and it was Luke's Great-Gma Louise's, favorite rose. My mom took great care and planted it for me, and it is a wonderful sight to see.

video I got of Luke exploring the ball pit...fun
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