Here is Luke on an adventure to his favorite place. It is our catch-all cabinet outside of the kitchen. He knows that it has only 'grown up' stuff on it so, of course, he wants to investigate the goods whenever he gets a chance.
Both Gpas came by for a visit today and saw him work his magic. The magic goes something like this:
1. an adult sits on the couch next to the cabinet
2. Luke runs to that adult with a look of adoration and glee on his face.
3. Adult is charmed into thinking Luke wants to sit on his/her lap and eagerly pulls him up on the couch with him/her.
4. Luke instantly climbs off of said adult and with quick, open mouthed, excited breathing makes his way as quickly as he can to the cabinet.
5. Luke then take a moment to assess the goods before trying to eat/throw/break everything on the cabinet.
6. Adult removes Luke from the couch.
7. Minor upset occurs in the world of Luke.
8. Oh wait, there is a matchbox car on the floor - all is well again.
Repeat when the next adult sits on the couch. Happy weekend!
P.S. My title of this is better, which relates to Luke's forehead...See that little nick on his is healing SO WELL already. Love+arnica=good, quick healing...he is such a great kid.
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