I noticed last night how much I love how Luke fits into the crook of Steve's leg when he feeds him. Steve reminded me how Luke's whole body used to fit and now he just uses his dad as a seat. I found a picture from Steve's bday (4/29) to show the difference. I love these two pics. They are 8 months apart and it is just WILD to see the growth and think about the changes Luke has made in that amount of time.
Steve and I were talking the other night about the future and I annoy myself with my insane desire to plan everything. In order to calm that part of my brain, I remind myself that tomorrow is never a guarantee so I might as well soak up the moment. As I mentioned that to Steve, he turned to Luke and said "Luke, I can't guarantee that I will be here in a year or three or ten, but I love you and my life matters because I got you born" That stopped me in my tracks...Steve has done wonderful things with his life and is starting a chapter to do even more, but he just ADORES being a father. I needed to get that moment in writing b/c if there is one thing Luke will know from his dad, it is that being called dad is his favorite title.
Two of my favorite people came over last Friday and we enjoyed some girl time. Kyle brought her wonderful baby girl, Reese, and Luke was putting the moves on her already. Daddy Ryan is already nervous about Luke's intentions! I am not sure who Luke was flirting with more, Reese or Amy. He was just enthralled with Amy and she made his night by flirting back!
This is a shot I like of me making dinner last night. I love all of the help I am getting!
This spoon is just the coolest thing - I love hanging out in the kitchen! His other fav. was the pasta box...oh yeah
Steve and I played cards for a while last night after dinner and Luke was sitting in his highchair visiting with us and trying to figure out the game. We gave him his 'taggie' blanket and he showed us what his favorite game to play with Gma Susan is...it was AWESOME. It was the first time he has done this by himself. Gma S has played peekaboo (or p-pie as she calls it) with him since he was home from the hospital so this was just a super cool moment. Later, he was playing with a measuring cup and did the same thing so it was even funnier to see him 'hide' behind a 1/4 cup measuring device.
Lastly, anyone can leave comments on here now - I think I fixed it so that you don't have to login to leave a note (if you want to of course!).
Love this entry! I showed Andy the big change in Luke and he was blown away-too cute. I just love you guys. Can't wait to hang out again soon!
Have been enjoying Luke's blog her in Needham from the very first one. Love those cheeks! Keep on blogging. mb
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