Luke says Da Da all the time now and he has 6 teeth. I think even more are coming through b/c he is still a drooly dude and he wants to CHEW CHEW CHEW...he is a treat every day.
I will start with a couple of pics of him in one of his new outfits. Oh yeah...they are velour and they are cool...Matt O. if you see this I know you are smiling!
This is Luna grinding down her rawhide once Luke was asleep the other night...they are bonding a little more each day. She knows to watch out when he is in his walker and she also knows his schedule for eating. When he gets his yogurt in the morning she sits on high alert until she gets to clean out the container. I just liked that she was hanging out with him. You can see his head at the side of the crib, too...little wiggleworm
Now for our adventure last night with wonderful friends, Amy and Dan & Kyle and Ryan. We met them at The Monarch for dinner and headed over to a local establishment to see the band Doublewide. The lead singer, Jud, is Steve's best friend from high school. It was a really good time to be out with fun people for the night. The band was good - nothing like some 80's rock on a Saturday night :)
Kyle, Amy and me...I am lucky to know - and work with - these two.
It was awesome to see Paul and Susan last night. They looked great, as they came over from the Herrin Winter Ball and Paul even rocked the mike for a minute to a Twisted Sister song...I have really cool in-laws. Our group was ready to leave about 11:30 and I told Steve, but he said he couldn't leave before his parents did which was cute. They were having as much fun as anyone there!
Here we are with Jud with his girlfriend, Danielle. Good fun for all...thanks to gma Jackie for staying out until midnight and taking care of Lukester.
Now I am going to go take a nap while Luke does yeah :) Go Steelers!
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