This zip line bridge operator
-loves Misty Island and all of his trains
-is in his bed with Daddy hearing Thomas stories to put him to sleep - I just heard the end of The Wishing Tree story and then Luke say "I love you, too, Daddy"
-woke up from his nap today, ran out and said "I took a monster nap"
-just reminded US that he needed to brush his teeth
-went potty with three trains watching him tonight, then said they were all happy he went
-got out of his bath tonight, turned to me and said "I need some lovin' and proceeded to give and get kisses and hugs" while I melted and told him so he said "Yeah, I melt your heart"
-does melt my heart
-impresses his daddy daily (which I can't say about anyone else in our life)
-is really funny
-LOVES his grandparents!
-fell asleep on his Dad's shoulder at the barber shop today before he could get a haircut
-loves puzzles and matching games
-had a great time with his babysitter, Heather, last night and her dog Lexi!
-has a wonderfully active brain
-says three syllable words now (absolutely, amazing, delicious, beautiful) that make me wonder about how fast time goes
-is loved and is loving
-brings a LOT of joy to the world around him!
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