Another recap...this time of our puzzle master
-Luke and Daddy are going through a Thomas 'yearbook' (really) and reading about every engine that was ever made. Sadly/Happily we own at least 80% of them.
-5 days before our anniversary, Steve surprised me with my dream vehicle for a present! I am amazed at how excited I am to own a new -to me- Yukon! My pet name for it is Denali, I like to say that with love in my voice, and I really really love it. Not nearly as much as I love 'Puzzle Master's' Dad, though.
-Luke's seat fits wonderfully safely in the middle of the back seat in my new ride. That means any ride is a lot of fun now listening to him narrate what he sees out the windshield. Seriously, this middle seat is a bigtime thrill for a momma. I love that he is in the safest spot in the car now and his being able to see well is a bonus.
-Luke likes to tell cars to stop and make a stop sign with his hand to emphasize his point. He will also do this in a louder than normal voice when I am giving him some kind of rule, etc...that he does not like. He will also say "N-O, no" when he is really fired up...I like the ability to spell but the timing could use some work.
-We went to get pizza at the train restaurant tonight and made a stop at Barnes and Noble on the way home. A great way to spend a Tuesday night. I drove ;) Luke chowed on his individual pizza and we all had one of those 'freeze time' moments together.
-There is a thunderstorm going on outside. I have learned that a good boom of thunder is the secret to Onesie using the doggie door to come IN the house.
-Luke drew a picture at school today specifically for 'mommy and daddy' He wouldn't hand it to Daddy and I felt really honored when he handed it to me with a proud smile on his face. Then promptly turned around and headed to his toys.
-Luke is funny.
-Denali has heated seats. Is it wrong that this makes me so flippin' happy?
-Luke got a haircut last night and every time he gets one I swear he looks like a different (grown up kid) I was a little freaked out when I saw him post cut. When did our BABY turn into this able bodied person that tells me he has to poop at Barnes and Noble and then (post hand wash) rushing back to the train area for a treat?
-Gotta go work on a puzzle with my loves. I am living a lucky lady life and I am really, really thankful.
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