We were celebrating a day off from school (his was actually closed b/c the temps were too warm for school to be open...long story) and enjoyed a lovely sunny day. Luke enjoyed building an Island of Sodor train track on the deck and digging in the dirt while I spread some grass seed and laid straw down to protect it. We protected his new favorite, 'little Edward' by putting him in my pocket.

Gotta have cupcakes on a birthday!

Enjoyed a few kisses and a few stories after a drive out for an impromptu hike at Giant City Park. Luke loved the 'mountains', showed me a cave, and while he was climbing up a trail, which he called a sidewalk, he started whispering "I think I can, I think I can' That is a moment that will always be frozen in my memory.

Then...we rode the REAL TRAIN to Duquoin! Luke was hopping from foot to foot while we waited to board and clapping saying "I am so excited". Once we were on board, he excitedly said "We are on Gordon, the Express!" The conductor announced his birthday on the intercom and it was a very special ride for all of us! Luke even took some pretty pictures of the trees that we passed. Really...those were all him.

More party fun...cupcakes and presents and LOTS OF LOVE from Grandma's and Grandpa's and our dear neighbors, Bob and Meg, who are like a third set of grandparents. Luke enjoyed playing while we all visited. He was just thrilled to have new toys and a sweet treat :)

This is Steve and Luke's new version of Martial Arts. Aunt Shannon and Uncle Eric sent him a TeePee for his birthday. I am still wondering if he had more fun setting it up or playing in it!

The day after, his present from Aunt Ellen and Uncle Mike showed up on the porch. He enjoyed getting to open a BIG box and was thrilled to find "CHUCK'S PARK" inside. He especially likes to repeat the "Woo hoos" that Chuck makes when he does a backflip!

Then on Saturday, we had eight of his friends, their moms (who are my dear friends) and a couple dads and our dear family celebrate at Pizza and Pasta Express, otherwise known as the Train Pizza place. The pictures speak for themselves. I know that the morning was a blur for me, but that fun seemed to be had for all!

Luke, we love you so much, and we find so much joy in celebrating the person that you are! This morning as I said "Good Morning, Sweet Pea!" You looked at me with sleepy eyes and said "Good morning, Sweet Pea" back. You melt my heart and I wish you health and happiness for lots and lots of years to come. Just remember "I think I can, I think I can".
Some current favorites:
Color - Blue
Toys - trains, tow trucks and moving into a big interest in race cars
Food - cupcakes, Auntie Annes fruit snacks, colby jack cheese, bread and butter, blueberry pancakes & muffins
Books - Thomas, "Boats", Tow Truck Trouble
Recent Quotes:
"I don't want to jump. It is not a good idea."
"I want to go home on the highway"
"I need to go to Wal-Mart and get another birthday present"
"I am going to blow you kisses"
"Get up, Mommy - IT IS MORNING!!!!"
"I have two eyeballs"
"I will save this water for tomorrow, mommy" (and he did)
"Have a good night" said to Gma Susan as she was leaving our house at 10:30 Sat. night with a big happy smile on his face. He had a blast with her while we got to go on a date and she was cracking up as she left the house.
Random, but fun, and really really fleeting.
And, oh yeah, our house is on the market....woo hoo!
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