After she left, we got ourselves together and ran a couple of quick errands and then visited one of our favorite off leash spots for the dogs. I was VERY excited that Luke was happy in his sandals because I knew he would find a mud puddle or ten to splash in and I had just dried his shoes from last nights muddy trip to the park. And....yes, he did smile his way through several puddles splashing and loving life while the digs romped and I soaked up a little sun and enjoyed being with my crew. We stopped for a lemonade and then headed on a lovely drive to Little Grassy to check out my dad's boat in its summer slip. Woo Hoo...we will be having some fun on the lake this summer. I have enjoyed lots of great times swimming at Grassy in the past 8 years, but a boat just takes the fun to a whole new level and I know that Luke will go crazy for it, too. Take a look at his introduction to "papa's Baaaa' translation = Grandpa's boat!

He was nearly asleep when we got there, but when I asked if he wanted to see the boat he perked right up and acted like he owned the dock! We checked out each boat there and then gave the girls a chance to swim for a minute and I even got my feet in the water. Lesley, if you are reading, I got in the lake on April 4th...Yippee!
He was energized from the visit and happy to get home and make sure all of his cars, etc...were just where he wanted them before we read our stories and he fell asleep, with four of his favorite trucks in the crib, of course. The Easter Bunny had stopped by again while we were gone and left us a lovely basket of chocolate goodies (thank you Gma Susan & Gpa Paul!)
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