Checking out Luna's digging technique

Happy hiker!

Let's go this way, mom!

Luke and Addison checking out the bird viewing stop. They love the ramp and could have gone up and down the entire hour we took to do the whole walk.

Wait up, Luna

I pointed out the pretty wild violets and he immediately stepped on them

Here are some that didn't get stomped :)

A few shots of the out of this world redbud trees. They are insanely lovely this year.

Steve traded his car for a Yukon last week. Luke immediately memorized the make and now points them out with a big "DADDY". I do think he is pretty amazing because he only yells when he sees a real Yukon...not a Tahoe or other large SUV's. Anyway, he spent most of lunch saying "daddy" and looking longingly at this Yukon parked outside the diner. Luke LOVES his daddy.

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