Last Tuesday was a great adventure for us. We headed to the state park that sits about a mile from where we were staying for a nature hike. Luke hiked a lot of the trail and then enjoyed resting on daddy as we wrapped up the outing! We enjoyed the sights, met some nice people and even ran into another toddler that Luke socialized with a bit.
We had lunch at a nearby burger place where Luke enjoyed a treat of mozzerella sticks and a milkshake (total vacation treat!) Each time we would drive by after that meal he would yell which I interpreted as a strong liking for that milkshake!
There was another pretty sunset that night and we enjoyed being part of a true dog party (except on a beach and not at the top of a tree) The girls played off leash with 5 other dogs for about 45 minutes and then definitely crashed when we got back 'home' Good fun!

On a current note, yesterday I got home from an early dentist appt. to find Luke having a fun time with Gma Susan. They had been reviewing his colors and playing with a cute set of finger puppets that Aunt Shannon sent him. We visited for a bit and then Luke and I reviewed his truck books while I worked on some meal prep in the kitchen. It was really fun to work while 'talking' to him, and he had a good time showing off his favorite trucks. Speaking of trucks, we left a little later to go visit a workout place that a couple of my friends use. They have a nice daycare area and Luke did great for 50 minutes. There were a couple other kids there, and the babysitter said that he played with cars the whole time - until he found a semi-truck that was calling his name :) He cried when we left because we had to leave the truck! It was fun to get him when I was done working out because he was really excited to walk me around and show me what he had been doing and also gave me a kiss! After that fun, we went to check out a local construction site and vacuum the car...The site is next to the car wash I use and here is little man checking out the action.

When we got home, Steve met us for some lunch and Luke went to work pouring and feeling and measuring the sugar. He ended up taking a little taste. He had a blast...
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