Happy Birthday, Luke. You are so loved.
As far as the buildup to the big day, we had a pretty fun weekend. Some friends came over to visit, we went to visit some others and we enjoyed time together. Luke's favorite thing is to be outside so we tried to get out as much as possible even when it rained all day yesterday. I walked as it sprinkled b/c when it wasn't raining I got Luke all excited to take the dogs for a walk and by the time we were dressed and ready it was raining again. Ha! At least it was still pretty warm and we got some fresh air.
On our way home from dinner Saturday, we saw FIVE police cars speeding by with their LIGHTS ON and a runaway cow from a nearby farm standing in the middle of the road. We called the police to help get the cow back home which worked out and Luke got to see a big dairy cow up close and personal...talk about an exciting drive home!
Sunday, Andy and Franciene came over with some birthday treats (a CAT roller and scraper that Luke now takes everywhere with him and a John Deere ABC book that we have read at least 5 times so far) Luke opened his gifts and kept looking at Franciene with a big smile on his face like she was sent from heaven to deliver the gifts to him :) They came over in their big, awesome F-150, and Andy was generous enough to let Luke take the wheel. He just kept smiling and laughing as he pushed buttons and looked at all of the options on the console. When Andy turned the truck on, Luke had turned the left turn signal on and the lights were on :)

Happy Birthday to Luke
Happy Birthday to Luke
Happy Birthday little Mr. Sunshine!!
Happy Birthday to you!!
You are the most wonderful 2 year old I know!
Love lots,
Grandma Jackie
Yay for 2nd birthdays! He is such a cutie. :)
Happy birthday to the cutest nephew in the world! We wish we could be there to give you a big hug and kiss, but we love that we get to see you and watch you grow up on your blog! Can't wait until we can see you again. Love, Aunt Shannon and Uncle Eric
It was so nice to visit with you all. Happy Birthday to the most amazing 2 year old I know. I am so glad he liked his gifts. :) Can't wait to have dinner on Friday with you guys. I hope he liked the mom-made construction zone today. Andy promised he would bring the squad car over so Luke can get up close and personal with all the gadgets in their soon!
Happy belated birthday to Luke! What an awesome birthday and that cake looked super yummy. :)
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