Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Steps to independence

Luke was positioned in the womb so that when he was born, his head had a natural and strong tendency to lay on the right side. I didn't pay much attention to this at first, but then noticed that the right side of his head was loooking flatter than the left. With the recommendations to lay babies on their backs when sleeping, he would always end up laying on his back with the head turned to the right. So...I started laying him more on his left side. He would still eventually get to his back but thought this would help even out his head. He always seemed to stay asleep more comfortably, too. With the side sleeping, we could lay him down, rub his back etc...and he would stay asleep 99% of the time. Plus, his head has evened out - it is as likely to go to the left as the right now :)

Lately, he has been learning how strong he is and saying - hold up people I really don't want to be doing this nap thing - We will lay him down once he has fallen asleep nursing or being held or whatever and as soon as his left side hits the crib he quickly flops his whole body over on his back, his eyes open up wide and he looks up at you like 'how did I get here' then he kicks and moves his arms wildly and most times gets picked up. Steve and I laughed today over this new thing because it is kind of amusing to see this little boy asserting himself. Once he has woken up, if you try and flip him on his side again he will twist his head to look at you and fight you every step of the way - the backrubs, shooshing, etc...are pretty much useless now. On a developmental note, we have learned in the past 24 hours that if he is fed and changed and obviously tired, he will put himself to sleep after some talking to his best buddy in the crib mirror. He is cool :)

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