These are almost two weeks old, but worthy of posting. We had a wonderful and fun-filled getaway to Chicago. Above is a view from a walk that we took up Michigan Ave. and ended up past Oak Street Beach. We even past a scuba training fire truck and crew. Guess who loved that!?!

View from our looking east to the lake from our room at Trump Tower. Everything about this hotel was exquisite and completely luxurious. A wonderful bonus to the trip!

View number two. Yeah, this room was a trip into how really fancy people live!

Our big kid in a stroller for the walk. He ended up falling asleep on the way back to the hotel so the borrowed stroller came in handy! It was a stunning day, and felt cool after the wild and
blazin' hot summer we have had at home.

Checking out the sites on a water taxi! Fun!

More looking and enjoying the breeze...

Waiting to head back to where we started.

I told Luke he could have more chocolate milk when his strawberries were gone so he 'shared' them with his best buddy, Lightning. Love that creative thinking.

We had a nice kitchen and dining area at the hotel, plus a Trader Joe's to shop nearby so I made breakfast two mornings, and we enjoyed eating in our pj's.

Soft pretzel break. Luke loves these. I had to make my way into the movie theater last
weekend without a ticket so that I could by him one at the concession and head back out of the theater. I was thankful one of my students was working the door and let me through :)

Ferris wheel at Navy Pier. Big thrill. Especially when we realized Luke has no fear of heights and started kicking the doorknob just to see how it worked. Yikes!

Enjoying a good soak. This was a great tub...great trip, great company. I have to note how exceptionally awesome Luke did at restaurants on the trip. He was well-behaved, interacted with wait staff and enjoyed 'grown-up' length meals at 'grown-up' restaurants. We were really proud of him!
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