Where we

Star looks like she knows the way.

This guy is our guide today.

He got us to this magical place for a hike and other adventures last Saturday.

Luke is ready to take on the trail!

Catch up, Daddy!

I like the view from here!

"Grandma Susan loves yellow flowers"

Oh, boy! We found a watering hole.

Luke was pleased to join me for a

While Steve checked out the dry waterfall. Where he is standing is a fall when there is enough water. There is quite a drop down from that spot.

But, obviously, there is nothing to be worried about!

Prince of the ponds!

Finding the best 'splash' rocks to throw in the water!

"Give that rock to me!"

Now that is a good splash!

I made it nearly 3 1/2 years without the fake smile creeping into our photos...Here it is. I guess it is still a cute picture ;)

I like this one better. Star is happily swimming, Luke has a project in mind and Steve looks like a happy man.

Another fake smile, but I am genuinely happy to be with my baby! I really enjoyed his sense of adventure and confidence on this trip.

Steve looking impressed/surprised with Luke's rock climbing 'skills'.

Prince of the rocks!

The edge of the cliff isn't dangerous daddy?! Why are you getting me? Did I mention his sense of adventure?

Gonna have to catch me! If you can find me!

Back to the water and this time Luke went full steam ahead and played like a fish. Which meant his was soaked from head to toe!

So...we dried his clothes on the way to find some lunch. Steve really loved this classy move.

Self portrait of some tired feet.

We got food to go since the adventure put Luke to sleep. He was chewing gum while he slept which was cracking us up.
Jackson Falls was a wonderful trip! Thanks to Steve for noting it a month ago when we heard about it and for getting us there and back safely and with some fun family memories of a great day together.
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