We ended up having a great Halloween.
I was annoyingly cranky in the morning for no good reason, Steve golfed so I got even more annoyed, but Luke was happy and we enjoyed having my mom run a few errands with us. He didn't want to go to the park, but he DID want to go to Home Depot :)
So...after trying to get Luke down for a nap with no success, Daddy got home and went on Luke watch so I could get a few things done around the house. Nothing important, just enough stuff for me to obsess about and create anxiety (my specialty). Our pals came over in time to load both close to 3 year olds in the wagon and take off for some candy gettin'. With no nap and lots of candy on the horizon, I thought Luke might be difficult, but he was a total pro. He was blowing his whistle, smiling at Addie, saying "thank you" and not even trying to eat the candy as he added it to his little football treat bag.

The wagon was a big hit b/c we powered through the neighborhood and even did a couple of 'drive by' treat stops without the kids even having to get out of their seats. The two of them had fun making faces at one another, screaming once in a while and just enjoying the fun atmosphere. There were tons of people out, the weather was really nice, and they were collecting CANDY...what could be better.

Addie and her folks stayed to visit for a little while and the two kiddos had a blast playing all over the house. I was happy to have a little girl in the house b/c she loved playing with my Care Bears that are 25 years old and was patient enough to let me teach her a few tennis skills. When they did leave, Luke ran after their car saying "Come back, Addie". So cute :) Luke ate (I mean CRUNCHED) at least eight suckers which are his favorite candy by far and finally collapsed after stories by Daddy at 9:00. Good, good fun!
I brought ALL of the leftover candy and Luke's haul (minus a few suckers for future treats) to work to give away. Yes, I am that mom...

Penalty - (withholding of candy)