Today I am 33, and it is my favorite birthday yet! Luke sang happy birthday to me this morning going "happy, happy, happy, mommy, mommy, mommy"

This weekend was full of fun and celebrating and love. I am so lucky and thankful for my family and the wonderful life that I share with them. Saturday, I took Luke to the lake for some beach time. We normally stay there for about an hour, but he LOVES it and I had to bribe him away after 2 1/2 hours and nearly falling asleep in the sand! Here he is as we left, happily reading and snacking.

He was asleep before we got home. I spend his long naptime on the deck soaking up some sun, enjoying a summer BLT with a tomato from our yard, talking to my amazing friend Lesley and photographing some beauty that has grown happily in the backyard.

I also got to visit with my parents and take a quick swim before it was time for round two (post nap) with Little Man. Sunday and today have continued the party, but I will have to write about that fun later...

Happy 33rd, Erinn! Have an awesome day and remember - always save lots of room for cake. :)
Ha Ha Erinn! I'm glad mom passed on the happy birthday message! I'm glad you had a good one, wish we could have been there. Give Luke a big kiss from eric and I, and have Steve give you a big birthday hug from me!!
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