We went to Cape Cod for a visit with some of Steve's relatives last week. Gma Susan and Gpa Paul were there as well and it was a lovely time with aunts, uncles and cousins. There will be more pictures posted of out time there but the travel deserved its own post. Luke did so well with everything, early flights, security checks, boarding, flying, etc...We were so proud of him and thankful that the travel went well.

Mom, we are flying!

Those engines are a little loud

Boarding our return flight...we waited so long that we were paged over the intercom. Steve pre-boarded and got the carseat secured and we boarded last to shorten the time in our seats. It was a great plan.

Just making sure he knows all of the safety information!

I will admit (now that it is a funny story)that by the time we landed in Boston on our way there we were all a little spent. Luke had a meltdown because he couldn't open the Hertz display case and play with their model cars, then I had a fit b/c he was overcooked, it was blazing hot and just because. I am a huge naysayer of tv's in the car, but when we upgraded our rental and I realized it had a DVD player, I have never read the instruction manual to anything so fast. Luke started clapping when George came on and watched happily all the way to the Cape. Go technology, indeed.
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