I am writing this as Luke tries to throw a myriad of items into the toilet. Diaper, toothbrush, stationary, hotwheels, etc...He just screamed because his daddy told him that pee is the only thing we want going in the toilet. He is also wearing his big boy underwear so Steve is taking him to the toilet every 10 minutes or so to try and get him to pee. I would love to have a third world 'squat' right now which seems so sensible when you are thinking of potty training.
Besides the fun bathroom gags, we are just having the time of our life with our little family. Knock on wood. Luke is making a lot more sounds, he knows to say mommy really sweetly when he wants something, talks about his daddy all day long, loves to brush his teeth (like 10x a day) will take a time out during the day to chill in his room and read a few books to himself, loves to try to ride or love on the dogs, is cutting 2 two year molars, has a good time with a sheet of stickers, has just fallen in love wih puzzles, puzzles, puzzles, has started to enjoy SuperWhy in the morning on PBS (is it silly if I enjoy this little show too?), he goes down for a nap or for bed with a smile on his face, talks to his crib buddies for a bit and conks out, wakes up yelling mama then daddy b/c 75% of the time daddy gets there first, wears a 6 1/2 shoe, size 5 diaper and 18-24 month clothes, really likes to smile, really likes to climb, really likes to give high 5's and fist bumps when you ask him, still isn't talking much, but really gets what is going on and seems to be a confident and happy kiddo. I couldn't dream of asking for anything more.
That is quite a run-on...Oh yeah, he loves his new car seat - the Britax Roundabout 50 which I would recommend to any parent. Our car seat was not secure enough and this one seems to be superglued into the Honda. I like that. I also like not annoying my husband about the carseat or being annoyed by my husband because he wasn't magically fixing it. Did I mention our happy little family? Knock on wood...
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