Friday, September 25, 2009

He said what?

We took Steve some lunch today and ate with him at school. We ate at Steve's conference table and Luke was great sitting in the swivel chair like he was running a meeting while he munched on a bagel! I love that high school! We stayed a lot longer than I had planned b/c we got to visit with so many people which was a total treat.

As we were leaving Gpa Nick volunteered to carry him out to the car. I loaded him up, and walked around to the driver's side while Gpa talked with Luke, asking him, as usual, to say 'Grandpa'. As I got in the car, my dad was beaming and clapping (and maybe a little tearful) because LUKE SAID GRANDPA just as clear as a bell!!! It is a moment that I will never forget. Not only is it great to see his speaking abilities grow, I will always remember the absolute joy on my dad's face as Luke repeated himself 3 or 4 more times :) showoff, eh?

blurry pic i know, but you can still see that great grin of our little guy in his terriergear today...cute

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