We took Steve some lunch today and ate with him at school. We ate at Steve's conference table and Luke was great sitting in the swivel chair like he was running a meeting while he munched on a bagel! I love that high school! We stayed a lot longer than I had planned b/c we got to visit with so many people which was a total treat.
As we were leaving Gpa Nick volunteered to carry him out to the car. I loaded him up, and walked around to the driver's side while Gpa talked with Luke, asking him, as usual, to say 'Grandpa'. As I got in the car, my dad was beaming and clapping (and maybe a little tearful) because LUKE SAID GRANDPA just as clear as a bell!!! It is a moment that I will never forget. Not only is it great to see his speaking abilities grow, I will always remember the absolute joy on my dad's face as Luke repeated himself 3 or 4 more times :) showoff, eh?
blurry pic i know, but you can still see that great grin of our little guy in his terriergear today...cute
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