Steve and I had a weekend of fun together and Luke had a great time with both sets of Grandparents. We really enjoyed having the time together and we also were really excited to see Luke on Sunday!

This bathtime photo is an example of reality for us now and I think we are pretty lucky. He is really a wonderful and happy little boy. The last couple of days we have been busy. I have been trying to have morning be funtime and in the afternoons we run errands, etc...I like having a little structure and I like having some plan for each day even more.
It was a beautiful day today. We took Gma Jackie a coffee (get well soon mums!) and then headed out to Cedar Lake with the dogs. They were really good about staying away from any fisherman and Luke was thrilled to watch them swim and try to throw rocks in the water like I was doing. He is learning EVERY SECOND! Later we went to the park and Gma Jackie met us. Luke did some dancing under the gazebo and made her smile which was worth the visit. It is hard to see Gma keep her distance from Luke since she is sick. He would put his arms up or try to walk to her and she would RELUCTANTLY tell him no b/c she has a cold...
Later, (after he got the biggest goose egg he has had yet - I won't write about that b/c it makes me feel bad that he even fell) we played with the dogs and I would hand him a stick and name one of the dogs and Luke would move to whichever one I named to give her the stick. Very fun!
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