of things I am thankful for on this Thanksgiving day. I am starting with my workspace. Luke is very handy with gadgets and electronic devices (he called my mom yesterday from my locked iPhone without us knowing about it) so I have my computer
hidden away in our closet and I literally hide in here to do a post now and then or buy new music for our
ipod. I really like the 'hidden alone time' so I am thankful for that!

Uh...this man. He makes everything about life better. Love, Love, Love him and so thankful for July 2005.

This guy is certainly a reason to smile and give thanks each day. I love his brain, I love how hard he works and concentrates on projects and 'activities'. I love how he wrapped his George doll in a blanket and then plugged in my phone charger and attached the charger to the blanket so that George could enjoy an 'electric blanket'. I love that he loves his mom and dad. I love that he behaves at restaurants. I love that he makes me think outside the box. I love his vocabulary (even when he calls me 'bogus'). I love how much he learns every day. I love his memory. I love watching him go to dance class and jump right into the action with confidence. I love to watch him.

See that focus? We were at the high school playing on the football equipment last weekend. When we left, I scooped him and asked me to 'cover us' while we got to the car. So, he used his make believe weapons and went 'boom, boom, boom' at the bad guys all the way to the car. Luckily, we made it safely.

This dog is a joy. Thankful for our Star :)

Thankful for our parents doesn't quite cover how lucky we feel to be near and in such great relationships with our parents. They are all amazing parents, super-amazing grandparents and wonderful people.

This series of pictures is from May. Not only does it show all sides of our family fun, I can feel the happiness coming from them. (Maybe not from Luke, but he is surrounded by the joy)

Happy Holiday Season. We are counting our blessings every day.
Luke is thankful these days for:
chocolate milk, legos, Lightning McQueen, any chance to battle the lemons (or bad guys), reading stories, scooby doo cartoons, his school and his friends there, snuggle time with mommy and daddy in our big bed, things he can put together, using tape and scissors for activities, climbing, pouring water, not getting his hair washed, playing in mommy or daddy's office any chance he gets!
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