Luke is a gift. Anyone that hears me say that might think I am biased, but it is simply the truth. Luke simply makes the world a better place. I am lucky to watch him work his magic.
Example: The last 12 hours in bullet points.
9:30pm - last potty break before bed/wants to go outside to pee
9:36 - no problem, we all go outside on a beautiful night and get some fresh air
9:37 - oops. We are locked out of the house.
9:50 - I climb through the garage window and think we are home free once we break a little window to the inside door.
10:10 - Luke is smiling and saying "We can do it" when Steve cannot break through the window with a hammer or a SHOVEL. We have some fun while Steve throws his back out saying "bang bang bang"
10:20 - I go to our new neighbors and ask to use a phone. Yes, there goes the neighborhood. Luke, however, wants to look through their garage for toys and hops around like a frog when we see a real frog on the driveway.
10:45 - my mom gets through the a locksmith that will come 30 minutes south to help out. It took a search to find him. Thanks, Kenny! Also, notice that a lily that we planted last weekend has opened up! Marveled at it and smelled it "It smells like roses"
11:15 - Luke is so good watching Kenny work and saying "He can do it!"
11:30 - "Let's sing, Mommy" What should we sing? "Ring Around Rosie" so Steve, Luke and I held hands in the driveway singing and, of course, falling down :)
12:00 am- Trying a lock on the deck, we live at Fort Knox, and Luke plays with his construction site. Nothing like playing with trucks at midnight!
12:20 - smiling and laughing at Kenny as he tries to drill the lock out of the interior door. Loves the noises, loves climbing in my car to pet Star, loves climbing in driver's seat to push buttons.
12:38 - Claps and cheers when Kenny and Steve drill a hole through safety glass (never could get a lock to give) and are able to reach in to open door. Rush in to leave the june bugs out and immediately need some CHOCOLATE MILK!
12:46 - stays far enough from me while I clean up interior glass, asking me what I am doing and sipping his milk, goes happily to bed with daddy and knocks out in about ten minutes.
8:40 am- I hear him yelling "LAY IN BED" and I jump up to check him. We lay in bed with star for a bit and snuggle. I love when he will lay looking at me and smile. Then order me to get up and get him some CHOCOLATE MILK. Played happily and reminded me that a lily opened up while I got ready for work and headed to school with Lightning McQueen in the seat with him. Crunched apples on the way telling me how they 'clean his teeth' and how he is an 'apple monster'
10:00am - on way to school we see TWO CRANES at work, go under a 'viaduct' and once parked to drop him get to wave at and watch the grounds crew use a mulcher RIGHT IN FRONT OF US
10:15 - Tells me bye-bye as his teacher gets sunscreen on him so that he can GO OUTSIDE! Life is GOOD!
Luke, I love you. I love you. I love you.