After seeing a picture of a Robin...
Me: "Luke that is like the birds that we feed outside on the deck"
Luke" "Nuh-Uh" with a head shake
Me: "Yeah, we fill up the feeders and feed the birds!"
Luke: "No, mommy, Cardinals" with a tone that said "DUH!"
After pooping in the backyard (again)
Me: "Luke, we are going to have to start going in the potty"
Luke: "No, mommy, GRASS" with that same "DUH" tone in his voice.
He is getting his pants down, will tell us when he needs to go, but simply has no problem going on the sidewalk, the playground (like today at school) or the backyard. I still think we are making progress.
Talking about our evening plans
Me: "Baby, mommy is going to go to yoga tonight"
Luke: "Huuuh?" said like Curious George
Me: "Mommy is going to yoga and you get to spend time with Daddy at home"
Luke: "Huuh? Stay home"
Me: "Who do you want to stay at home?"
Luke "Mommy" with a big charming smile on his face.
Me: "Okay" with a big happy smile on my face
Here is a special cookie I got for him today (Steve got one, too!).

He enjoyed the extra icing, ate about half and then threw bits of the rest around my vehicle. Totally worth the vacuuming I now need to do.