Monday, July 23, 2012


 "Mommy, I'll be your blanket" The best one I've ever had...note Ironman taking a nap with us...
 "I grow because I eat food!" The size of his feet shocked me big!
 "These cars are full of transformer toys!" & "The tanker cars are full of chocolate milk" Exactly.
 "I want a cheese quesadilla! Please!" Bumblebee joined us for lunch :)
 "Now it is time for dessert!" So we took our Larry's birthday muffins (no birthday, we just went to Mailboxes, etc...and Luke looked up when we parked and said "I want to go to Larry's!" which is next door)
 We found a shady spot at a park to have an "Ironhide" picnic.
 Luke loved the cupcake (all two bites that he took) and loved playing cowboy Luke 'riding his horse Whitey" even more in the back of Ironhide
Yum! Luke, you are such a gift. I think often that I am lucky to be a witness to your development and growth, let alone be your MOM! Love you, baby.

Some others:
--chuckle at the lunch table from Luke followed by "I just remembered sumpin' from when we were on the train with Gpa Nick. He had a newspaper that I folded and hit him on the head" LAUGHTER
--"Mommy, daddy and I know all about the transformers" after I asked him for clarification (again)abut which character was which color...
--"I am a robot scientist" At Harbaugh's this morning as he transformed Bumblebee with no directions
--"Mommy, I know some stuff. I am a little bit smart like Daddy" I replied that his daddy is the smartest person I know & told Luke he is catching him pretty quickly ;)
--"I don't want to get a boo boo from holding that picture frame" At the store getting a frame where he held a frame 8 months ago and it cut his finger (minor cut) impressive memory!
--"I want to sleep with the light on" & "rub my back, scratch my back, rub my belly...giggle"
--"Mommy, I need to give you a kiss/tell you a secret/come play with me"
--"I am going to hold baby Violet's legs if she sits on my shoulders. AND I will not let her get her head wet in the ocean. I will sing "Rock a bye" to baby Violet"
--"That's just the way I roll"
--"That's the way my brain works, mommy!"

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