We went to Vegas a couple of weekends ago (pictures and adventures to be shared) and when we got home, my parents were at the house with dinner. Luke walked in and just cuddled up on the rug showing his fatique from a BIG weekend away. I think Grandma Jackie was never so happy to see him.

CHEERS! After a really nice garden tour through Southern Illinois this weekend, mom and I stopped at a small local winery where we "cheers"ed a great day and even better company with the Lukinator along.

He is making 'nerd water' which of course is water with a few nerds thrown in...

Picnic fun. We ate our Panera lunch at Evergreen Park - when we were on our way there he said "this is where Grandma Susan takes me"
Time with Luke and my mom over the weekend was great! Thanks for the fun!
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