I am a big believer actually in using regular soap instead of antibacterial everything and in the benefits of getting dirty outside, etc...However, the recent bugs that crept into our home and have lingered for nearly two weeks can take the hint and move on. Luckily, Steve avoided the gunk and Luke is definitely feeling lots better. I am, too, and I will happily go a few years at least before needing the flu again.
We were lucky to have Steve helping us get better (allowing extra sleep, being superdad) and especially to have the Gma's nearby. Susan was an awesome help (and taught Luke to 'fight the germs') getting me better, keeping me in good standing at work and giving Luke so much TLC and my mom was a great boost when she would come visit and make all of us feel better with a fun visit!
It is a lovely day outside and maybe we can open windows soon to help the allergens start their battle with everyone :)
The photo above, by the way, shows Luke & I snuggled up on a sick day last week. Steve was brilliant enough to bring me a coffee and we had all of the other essentials in bed with us - fruit loops, OJ, lots of Sweet Pickle books and Star!