Trick or treat parade at school today and lots of fun on the way this weekend. Happy Halloween to all...
Friday, October 29, 2010
Trick or Treat or Penalty
Trick or treat parade at school today and lots of fun on the way this weekend. Happy Halloween to all...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Forward - Backward and in between
This is a quick video of Luke with his remote control car. He got this as a gift on his 2nd birthday but has rediscovered it and it is put to use daily. Sunday it was put to use for HOURS. He loves it.
He also loves-
Popsicles in the morning after a snuggle in bed
Running from Daddy when he is trying to get him dressed (somehow it is ok for me to dress him)
His new school! Runs right in and stays busy all day
Reading books (Current faves are books about GOLF, Curious George books, A bug's Life story, Maisy books - thanks Aunt El - and truck stories)
Being outside
Juice Boxes
Luke has been out of diapers completely for a couple of weeks now, he is starting to use more short sentences (Clothes on - More juice, please - Turn on George) and will narrate what is happening (Mommy drive car - Luke climb up (climb up anything) - Luke get juice box) and is getting better at giving us directions (when driving and otherwise) and his golf swing continues to improve. His follow through is picture perfect!
We love him more than anything (except maybe each other)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Pumpkin Patch

A tractor ride, a warm fall day, running into playdate friends, swimming in corn, going potty in a port-a potty (no picture of that!), eating crackers while we check out the scence, finding an old bulldozer, pumpkins, did I mention a tractor ride/hay ride. Wow. Plus, Gma Jackie was there :) Fun day.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Bank Account Says "Oink"
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Will ride on body parts
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Saluki Superfan

The picture of the two of us shows that he is trying to get control of the camera. It was a beautiful day, and I love looking at the shot of Luke on Steve's shoulders with the lovely fall colors as a backdrop.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Date Night = Art Night
Thursday nights are date nights for me and Luke because Steve has class. So...last week we danced, we played with cars, we played outside and we PAINTED! Luke even took a photo of mommy working on a replica of his favorite helicopter. He pained over it when he had a chance. I guess he thought I need a little bit of artistic direction. THe bottom line is, we had FUN!

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Love Affair

Luke, Grandma Jackie went with us on our adventure yesterday to the pumpkin patch and to eat hamburgers at the park. I know that you enjoyed her company as much as I did! I am so thankful that Gma grabbed the camera away from me and took a few random snapshots of the two of us. I love you deeply. I am impressed by you every day and I am thankful that you have been kind to me as I learn as we go what it means to be a mommy.

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Introducing a new family member!
We have had a wonderful day of family fun. Coffee run, yard work, playing in dirt, tailgating, football game, nap, shoe shopping and we picked up Luke's first pet.
Introducing 'Mommy Fish'!!!!

Luke picked her out. I told him the fish was a girl, asked him what we should call him and we now have an extra female in the house.
Mommy Fish, welcome to our world. We are enjoying you already!
For my memory's sake, I have to write that Luke carried the Betta carrier from the pet store to the shoe store tonight, held her safely in the car on our way to visit my folks, proudly introduced them to her, then carried her home. We worked together to set up her new home, rocks, real plant and fresh distilled water that Steve went to the store for at 10pm. Luke is an absolute joy. He already cares for this lucky fish, wants to feed her every 10 minutes and will just stare at her swimming around for minutes at a time. Thank goodness for Steve's family favorite "A Fish out of Water" We can avoid overfeeding thanks to Otto...I mean, we don't want the police to come or anything!
Introducing 'Mommy Fish'!!!!

Luke picked her out. I told him the fish was a girl, asked him what we should call him and we now have an extra female in the house.
Mommy Fish, welcome to our world. We are enjoying you already!
For my memory's sake, I have to write that Luke carried the Betta carrier from the pet store to the shoe store tonight, held her safely in the car on our way to visit my folks, proudly introduced them to her, then carried her home. We worked together to set up her new home, rocks, real plant and fresh distilled water that Steve went to the store for at 10pm. Luke is an absolute joy. He already cares for this lucky fish, wants to feed her every 10 minutes and will just stare at her swimming around for minutes at a time. Thank goodness for Steve's family favorite "A Fish out of Water" We can avoid overfeeding thanks to Otto...I mean, we don't want the police to come or anything!
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