Monday, June 1, 2009

It is June!

Yippee! We are all glad to be dunzo with May...There is major progress going on in our yard today. The oak is down :( the utility pole is off of our shed :) we were able to deposit our insurance check :) our deck is being put back together :) the oak will be hauled off this week :) and our broken window is getting replaced tomorrow :)

Those are the last :) I will use in this post...It is gloriously HOT outside, we are looking forward to Gma Jackie's pool warming up for lots of afternoon fun and Luke is napping (for the past 2 hours!) after a busy morning. Pick up Gma, drop her at work, play at park, go to dry cleaners, visit bank, visit another bank, go see daddy for a split second, go to music class, head home and knock out.

Music class (wiggles 'n' tunes) is becoming more of an experience every week. He is more mobile, more strong willed and not quite as interested in singing and dancing as I may have hoped! He loves the kids and all of the toys but the rules and having to stay in one place just doesn't always agree with him. He has gotten annoyed with me a couple of times because I reign him in (I just don't want to be THAT MOM that lets her kid do whatever b/c it is 'cute') but for the most part it is still a good time and he is definitely learning. We sing "the itsy bitsy spider' A LOT and he is starting to try and do the movements with me/daddy/gma Jackie!

I have lunch ready for him - sweet potatoes and pasta and watermelon - and have gotten a bunch done during nap time because Steve and I have made a decision to keep our television OFF for the month of June. Just another reason to appreciate the month. NO TV = better quality of life - that is our guess anyway. We'll see...

And now for some recent pictures:
Friday afternoon Luke helped me re-organize the kitchen. I wanted it to be a little more Luke friendly and safe so we created a "Luke" cabinet and safety proofed most of the rest. He was pretty thrilled to go through stale bags of chips and display them while also trying them out to see if anything was still tasty...
Where's Luke?
Typical diaper change these days - he just isn't really into laying on his back and waiting for his pants to be changed.
I have spent a lot of time in this chair with my babe (thanks Gma Susan for donating it to us!) and am really glad to have a picture of us in it together. I am wearing glasses ONLY b/c I am going to Lasik next week (trying again...)
He is to a fun afternoon and our HS athletic banquet tonight. Steve is going to take Luke and a booster seat and see how long he lasts. Steve has an excuse to leave early if Luke decides it is time to go - ha! Have a mentioned that LIFE IS GOOD?

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