Saturday, August 22, 2009


Today is Luke's 17 month birthday! It is also Gma Susan and Gpa Paul's 39th wedding anniversary! WOW!

We have had a busy week of fun adventures. Our 17 month old is identifying colors, making animal and machine noises (moo, vroom-vroom, choo choo), putting a lot more sounds together and 'communicating', using the sign for "eat" to tell me when he is hungry, walking quickly everywhere, taking great naps, sleeping 10 hours at night, laughing a lot, sitting in a booster at our bar (bye bye high chair!), chasing the dogs, drinking out of the hose when he gets a chance, eating really well, throwing his dirty diapers away - yes, he follows directions when we ask him to thrown them in the trash, giving big delicious kisses when you ask for one, pointing to every truck that he sees... Lots of other things that I am probably forgetting, but he is just a joy!

Yesterday, he even had fun with our first non-grandma babysitter. No tears, no problems so we will be calling Jamie (a wonderful former student and tennis player) again I am sure!

Some pictures of the week...Luke with his train poster. We went to see the train leave town on Tuesday afternoon and the ticket agent brought out a poster for Luke. The agen, Al, is my parent's neighbor and he was enjoying watching Luke and his first up close visit with a train. They let us get on for a minute, even, although the highlight for Luke with the horn...It made him jump and then just stare in amazement as the giant train pulled away.
Mom, you need a lid if you are going to cook something. He put the lid on the stove exactly like this, helping out in the kitchen :)
I moved his table into the kitchen corner. He will sit pretty well and eat there, but once he is full he wants to climb on the chair, then the table and bang on the windows ;(
Keep up, mom. I should just leave his stroller at home now. He is eager and able to walk with us, even if he doesn't always stay exactly on the trail. These pictures are at a state park in Jonesboro. There was a Lincoln-Douglas debate there so we explored the statues as well. I love the one of him staring at Lincoln. He was intimidated by the statues and wouldn't touch them until I did.

Puddles are a boy's best friend (besides his dog)

This one is a litle blurry, but I just adore the look on his face. It is difficult to get far enough in front of him to get a good picture of his face b/c he goes so fast!
Investigating a leaf.
Let's go, mom. There is no time for PICTURES!
Trying to get the dogs attention.
quick self shot of me and my babe
I like sitting at the bar, and I like programming your phone! This is the look that makes me get a little nervous about what is going on in that head of his!
He is with his daddy right now at the HS scrimmage. We have a dinner tonight so he is going to have some fun with Gma Jackie while we are out. Happy weekend, indeed!

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