Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Amazed at the fun of the splash park at Crown Center in KC
Taking a wagon ride with Uncle Glenn at his house($5 at a yard sale up the street!)
Posing so well for his portrait to be drawn (with a little help from a sno-cone and daddy amusing him)
Figuring out how Uncle Glenn's blinds work

It is summer and we are busy enjoying the outdoors and friends and family. This blog will likely suffer in the name of summer but that is a pretty great reason to suffer if you ask me. Just wanted to try and get a current photo of Luke on here and a couple of info bits before I disappear for however long...

Luke is climbing things (I know I mentioned that but it is really crazy and cute and amazing at the same time)

He will give lovely and delicious open mouth kisses and then giggle about being kissed.

He loves toast with lots of 'all fruit' on it in the morning (all fruit is the spread that is just pureed fruit - no extra junk incl. extra sugar!) So far black raspberry is a hit and strawberry of course. He also LOVES black olives, black beans, blueberries and any fruit you put in front of him. His appetite has really increased recently - it is fun to watch him eat!

We met some friends at the mall yesterday and Luke was not interested in being in his stroller. He cruised around that place like he was in charge - and he also giggled a lot at Reese (8 months) thinking she was chasing him around.

He blows bubbles through a straw into his drink and is incredibly proud of not only the result of his efforts but also the reaction from adults around him.

He gets really mad when Steve or I leave the house but if you look in the window as you are leaving he has already moved on to something more interesting and has forgotten to be mad.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, what about his first haircut this weekend!!!