Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma Susan! - Edited

Blogger is not letting me post pictures right now which is part of the reason it has been a while since I have posted anything. In the past week we have had a great weekend in Kansas City, I got Lasik, Luke and I both got a wicked cold/cough that he is recovering from and I am battling through and lots of other things that I can't seem to think of right now.

Luke is currently CLIMBING on top of his table and chairs and trying to figure out how to climb on the 'grown up' furniture. I hadn't even thought of CLIMBING but here we go...he walks up to everything now and sticks his leg up trying to figure out if he can get his foot latched on something in order to CLIMB IT...yikes...

The important thing today, though, is that it is Gma Susan's BIRTHDAY! Yeah! We are celebrating with a cookout at my parents this afternoon...should be fun.

Birthday pictures (posted on 6/19)

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