Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I love Luke-

-He's such a good boy. These are lyrics to a song I made up for Luke when he was itty bitty. I change the 'good' to a variety of different words to make up the verses and love to sing it to him as he gets ready for bed. Steve will even break out in song when we are in the car or Luke needs a little pick me up. It is pretty simple, but it is also pretty special because it is a one song that he only hears from mom and dad.

Manhandling his new table and chairs
Admiring our new fireplace decorations
Where's Luke?
Here I am!

On to the fun stuff. I was really moved today when Luke and I were exploring the back yard. We planted some pumpkin seeds and then took off to see what else was back there. As we were adventuring, he looked up and grabbed my hand. I melted. He has taken my hand lots before b/c it is offered, and he will put his arms up a lot to be picked up but there was just something special and heartwarming about having him realize that he wanted to hold my hand, search it out and take charge and grab it on his own. Sweet, sweet, sweet...

We stayed home all day today and it was wonderful. No scheduled activities - just playing, a fun walk with a new mom, Vanessa, that lives down the street (she has 2 month old adorable Hannah Day) and exploring the yard after a massive lunch of watermelon (new favorite for sure) pizza, blueberries and sweet potatoes. Good fun.

The weather has been HOT HOT HOT the last couple of days which is wonderful but we are having to move our morning walks up to an earlier time so that L doesn't get too warm. Yesterday, I had him stripped down to his diaper and we were out from about 9-10:30 but it still just wore him out. He has napped for nearly 3 hours the last couple of days which is surely a sign of a tired growing boy and those teeth that are still working their way through the gums.

Tomorrow is the last day of school for Steve! I love his summer hours and he will have lots of time off in June so Luke and I will be enjoying having him around :) Today he came home for a fun lunch visit (which Luke slept through) and tonight we went to get pizza and pasta which was fun.

Much better than our dinner out on Sunday when we had to get our food to go since Luke was NOT interested in being in a restaurant! I need to remember to write a ranch dressing post one of these days...Happy almost weekend :)

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